Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Every year, there would be a day or two for me where I'll get sick.
It ain't a big problem, usually my sickness are severe headache/fever, quite minor but since I can't concentrate in class, why continue them =.=

So this morning I woke up with a big headache. After finishing my coffee and biscuit, I took a Panadol. Which is where this nightmare starts.

As usual, I went to SKE for early study/finishing leftover homework before heading to school at 7.25am.
But my headache grew more severe that a monk who spot me lying down for a moment asked me whether I am okay. "Don't stress yourself if you can't..." he said with a nod and a smile.
I should have taken his words.

This is the first time since primary school that I vomit in school. Luckily not in the class this time.
There's two or three moments where I almost puke. Just can't stand it. After that I just went in to the toilet after done some explaination to Mr CYL on the way, then I puked in the toilet- 4 times!
And yeah, it's the first time I stuck my fingers into my mouth and *bluuueek*

Felt refreshed after that, finally can breathe properly. But still kinda dizzy > Head home.

Then slept from 11am till 5pm. And I'm still sleepy now. (Amazing, I can still type quite fast now)
Didn't eat anything, not lunch nor dinner. Had some warm Ribena only (cuz it has glucose, I guess), and kiam seng di to hold that stomach from puking again.

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And oh yeah, I'm sick of study too.
All the teachers are great. But I just can't handle the speed.
Let's use the teachers as mother feeding the kids for example.

Mr. Chin is very dedicated. No, too dedicated.
He's like feeding you, but without concern whether you have chewed the food and swallow it, he then feeds you again and again. My mouth's gonna burst anytime soon.

Mr. Lai is like feeding you, but if you're too slow to swallow your food, he'll throw away the food on the spoon and proceed to another one. He's darn punctual by the way. I haven't even digest the previous lessonand then I have to proceed again T.T

Mr. Chu, hmm what can I say~ At least I'm following the lesson this time compared to last year, but yawn~

Mr. Mani's & Pn. Nur Jannah's lesson: Finally I can gasp for air. That's why I'm always looking forward to their periods =P

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But the problem still lies on me- Am I gonna work my arse this time, or not? We'll see.

PS/ Gonna post my blog in English until MUET's done.

Have a nice day :)

1 comment:

  1. actually about the comments on teacher... u done it quite well... but i'm inverse... i hate those two periods without learning anythings at all.. it's juz a waste of time... n now i began to like the dedicated teacher n dislike mr. lai ady... haha dunno y, maybe he gone too fast le ba...

    n then, about ur sickness... take care ya ^^
