Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Best


... probably the most fascinating species.

Mentally & spiritually, they can be the most complex mathematical paradox to be solved yet.

Yet they are so unique, you would not want to explore them.
Because they are always full of surprises. Sometimes, more surprising than the previous ones.

All the things they have done since history: Motherhood, sacrifices and love, is far more important than stupid sciences ever invented. They are the ones who added colour to this world. Men merely sketched it.

Females are often victimised. People branded them as weak, unintelligent, usable, witch, gullible Eve.
I could not understand this statement.
Because every weep they shed, they shed their colour. Each new skin more vibrant, more hue than the previous one.
And if they continue to shed, they will emerge as more powerful, independent and reliable.

And all they've done, is always beautiful.
In this liberal era, one of the best event to witness, is the rise of the female. And I'm glad that I can witness it.

Raise a glass for all the great mothers, sisters, lovers and friends in this world ^^


  1. 你寫的啊?是的話,你的英文很變態厲害下。。。妒忌妒忌=.="

  2. Lol...
