Saturday, February 6, 2010

Melaka IS The New KL

Hmm... Monday's Grammy performance by Lady Gaga, P!nk and the MJ tribute are amazing! But Beyonce won 6, 6!!!?? What the... =.=

...Then Friday: Jusco/Aeon is finally OPEN!!!!! Woohoo!

And it is grand/beautiful/cool/nice/out-of-Melaka, anything- its *thumbs up*!

Its BIGGER BETTER GRANDER CHEAPER & COOLER than KL's Mid Valley, The Curve, Times Square etc or even our Dataran, those are HISTORY!
It took quite some time to find the parking since it's the opening day, and it took a longer time to get out of the compound...

1 You can find practically almost every brand of clothing lines & food outlets
2 The complex's so big you can spend big time inside there
3 It seems there's gonna be a cineplex opening there soon, so finger crossed^^
4 The interior design is not bad, nice~ & there's plaenty of free food samplings :P
5 It's fresh and BIG, you might thought that you're in KL now...only BETTER than that place
6 Since it's sales now its CHEAP
7 Its modern and world-class
8 It is near my house...woohoo!

Every weekend there will have traffic jams jams & jams around Bachang area now T.T

It's Jusco/Aeon!

Sorry for all of you out there not in Melaka, hahahaah... (lame I know)
Don't miss the spot, head there the next time you come there, not your home first XD
Finalized my CNY clothes shopping there- cheers~

This is not exactly how spacious the place gotta check it out yourself haha...

There's this The Garden on the top of this complex. Even though there's plenty of parking spaces, they are still not sufficient enough foe hardcore shoppers like us...

I went into the bathroom and guess what? The cubicles are damn spacious.
And there are this these small notice board with drawn dummies either squatting or sitting on a toilet bowl, showing what type of toilet bowl is behind that door. Can't take its pic cuz it'll make me awkward XD Who actually would take pic inside the bathroom? ;p

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